Set Free Therapy
Many Prisons, Many Keys
"If you're born in America with a black skin, you're born in prison, and the masses of black people in America today are beginning to regard our plight or predicament in this society as one of a prison inmate." - Malcolm X

"Jails and prisons are designed to break human beings, to convert the population into specimens in a zoo—obedient to our keepers, but dangerous to each other." - Angela Davis
"The less you think about your oppression, the more your tolerance for it grows. After a while, people just think oppression is the normal state of things. But to become free, you have to be acutely aware of being a slave." - Assata Shakur
Process of Treatment
Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post Traumatic Growth
Post Traumatic Self Defined
Post Traumatic Self Determination
What do you learn?
The role of epigenetics, DNA expression passed down from your ancestors, that helped shape your resources, responses and resilience
The ways in which the dark psychology tactics detailed in the Willie Lynch Letter still influences the lived experience of descendants of slavery today
Strength and resources that come from experiencing the inhumane torture of solitary confinement
Path to redefine your trauma narrative and identity in order to free yourself to ascend to truer sense of self - no longer a slave to trauma
Break free from the cycle of imprisonment to embrace true self-determination
Time To
Break Free
Those who feel the weight and impact of slavery on their lives - either from the continued existence of systemic oppression or wage slavery and/or the generational curses/memories/behavior passed down from earlier descendants of slavery within their family.
Who is it good for?
Those who have experienced direct police brutality, incarceration and solitary confinement. These events can trigger thoughts, feelings and responses directly tied to the historical trauma of being in bondage as slaves and cause retraumatization whether the person experiencing it is conscious of it or not. This can result in negative outcomes including depression, anxiety/paranoia, drug/alcohol dependence, violence against self and others, and/or chronic recidivism/institutionalization.

In honor of the legacy of Kalief Browder
If you have any questions about the therapies, feel free to contact us.
Please send an inquiry using the contact form and you should hear back within 3-5 days.
Existing clients, feel free to text/call me.

Artesha Williams, LCSW
All Copyrights Reserved.