Who are the OUTCASTE Black Sheep?
Those who identify as being Oppressed, Underserved, Traumatized, Child & Adult Survivors of Transgenerational Exploitation/Endangerment. Our services are designed for Black descendants of slavery and other historically oppressed minority groups who recognize that the trauma and pain they've experienced did not start with them. They understand that they have survived generational trauma not just within their own families but within the society that they were born, raised and currently live in. This understanding may have helped them adapt to everyday struggles better or caused them to be further traumatized by the weight and cycles of it all.
Systemic oppression can have a devastating effect, especially when an OUTCASTE is acutely aware of it's existence and influence on their personal life when others around them may not. This can cause or increase the black sheep effect and further isolate and/or negatively impact their mental health and relationships.
How do I become a member??
Contact us to schedule an initial Black Sheep screening and intake. Once this is complete, you will have access to the Therapy Journey portal and begin receiving personalized support, access to our newsletter and have the option to connect with other Black Sheep members via group sessions.
Do I have to talk about my trauma in depth?
No. Although some survivors of trauma find healing in talking through traumatic events in depth, the key to the work is processing the thoughts, feelings and reactions that the trauma memories evoke, not necessarily the memories themselves. Our goal in treatment is to ensure whenever triggers of memories arise, there are no negative/harmful responses, freeing you from your trauma for good. All in all, you set the focus and the pace.
I'm a professional interested in clinical supervision/training in this area... can we work together?
Yes! Contact us to receive more information on service options available to professionals and mental health students through Truer Ground CHI.

We are STILL our ancestors' wildest dreams.
Please send an inquiry using the contact form and you should hear back within 3-5 days.
Existing clients, feel free to text/call me.

Artesha Williams, LCSW
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